Thursday, June 18

why 'ZEBY'?

Gil and I were usually asked ‘why ZEBY’ of all the endearments possible?

It was not actually planned. We used to call each other ‘bes’ or ‘besy’ (yah, we started as such!) during which he was still committed to someone else, and so do I.

Obviously, the relationships we had then didn’t materialized and we were lucky to be in an I-fell-in-love-with-my-best friend-stories who cling to each other though thick and thin.

The ‘zeby’ and ‘zeb’ was just a transposition error (using ‘z’ instead of ‘s’) committed during our constant emails especially during those times he was in Japan. I personally preferred using ‘zeby’ and ‘zeb’ for a change, and so was he. It’s a whole lot different though it means the same as ‘besy’ or ‘bes’, at least for that time.

And so ‘zeby’ and ‘zeb’ came out.

It was just recently that I thought of searching what ‘zeb’ really means. And this is what I’ve found: (Taken from

Name: Zeb
Abbreviation of: Zebedee, Zebediah
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: Portion of the Lord, Gift from God

I always thought of him as God’s gift but I never thought I was actually telling him such whenever I call him ‘zeb’ (isn’t it amazing?)

Now, why ZEBY?
...because he’s God’s gift!

yabyu zeb…
Happy monthsary! c",)

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